The Change Chair
Diploma in Advanced Hypnotherapy and certified Simpson Protocol practitioner.
Take a seat.. once you do you will learn The superpower of your Mind.
to let go of the past issues & blockages that have ever had you back
From within induce positive changes and empowerment in your new beliefs and yourself that is lasting
Over the years Stefan has helped thousands of clients with all sorts of issues
Whether you want to -
Stopping issues
Lose Weight
Reduce Anxiety
-(just to name a few options)
Hypnotherapy can assist you to get back in control of your true self and bring freedom and empowerment to your life.
Book a free 20 min consultation and let those magical changes begin.
NZ Advanced Hypnotherapy Diploma from Alpha Hypnosis
Certified Simpson Protocol Practitioner
Certified Virtual Gastric Band Practitioner
Certified Hypnofit Practitioner
Certified in The Swan Training with Bob Burns
International member of the National Guild of Hypnotists USA
Certified Member of Jacquin Hypnosis Academy UK
Certified member of Hypnosis New Zealand
What does hypnotherapy feel like?
Relaxation is a central focus of hypnosis. This is both mental and physical.
The process begins with a hypnotic induction which involves you following the hypnotherapist's suggestions that you relax your mind and body.
Hypnosis is a collaborative process. You and the therapist work together as a team.
Unlike the way that hypnosis is often portrayed, where a hypnotic subject carries out the orders of a hypnotist, the suggestions made by the hypnotherapist are typically communicated as an invitation, not a command.
A hypnotherapist cannot control your mind (and if they could they wouldn’t be permitted to live in society).
You will be required to focus on what your hypnotherapist is suggesting to you. It can take a little practice but Stefan will help guide you.
Another key aspect of hypnosis is to be open to suggestion.
Your mind is like a parachute, it only works when it is open.
You may be stuck in a long series of feeling defeated and find yourself saying things like "yes, but ..."
When people are under hypnosis, they become more open to considering possibilities and amplifying real and long term change.
Detaching from the problem can help create long term solutions.
For Example: An ex lover can cause grief and with time the grief becomes less hurtful.
With hypnosis you can detach from the grief and leave it behind whilst keeping all the good stuff.