
— Testimonials —
-Simpson Protocol- personal Issues
This occurred as I was sitting on the couch in a friends lounge at a party. No bells or whistles, just Stefan completely in his element of being able to 'get into my head', quickly, easily and with incredible skill.
I had tried hypnosis to stop smoking over 15 years ago that practitioner decided after 3 sessions I was an obsessive smoker and could not help me. So naturally I was suspicious that hypnosis could help me in any way.
I was so transformed by just seeing Stefan, without knowing what issue I held in my mind, get right into my head and allow my super-conscious mind to blow right past long term blocks I held around deeply personal issues, that I decided I knew he could help me at a deep level that no other form of 'therapy' has been able to.
This occurred as I was sitting on the couch in a friends lounge at a party. No bells or whistles, just Stefan completely in his element of being able to 'get into my head', quickly, easily and with incredible skill.
Surprisingly the most apparent benefit I have gained from this work was not what I had intended, but was the healing of even deeper psychological injury.
I signed up for Simpson Protocol that I completed over a period of about six months.
What really attracted me (beyond his incredible abilities) was that I did not need to talk about my deeply personal issues, I did not need to be re-traumatised. I could just hold those thoughts in my head and let Stefan, and my super-conscious do the work.
Surprisingly the most apparent benefit I have gained from this work was not what I had intended, but was the healing of even deeper psychological injury.
I am a different person now. I do not wake in the morning feeling dread anymore. I can feel again - be in touch with 'real' emotions, no longer do I feel like a zombie with difficulty feeling any joy in life.
I have been on and off psychoactive medication for 25 years (antidepressants, antipsychotics and anti-anxiety). I know how difficult and what a long term task it is to stop taking these powerful drugs, but within weeks of completing the program (without directly attributing it to this work) I knew I could taper of far faster and safer than I had previously.
So over a period of two months I was completely off the two strong antidepressants with no major side effects or withdrawals - and I have never felt better.
I am a different person now. I do not wake in the morning feeling dread anymore. I can feel again - be in touch with 'real' emotions, no longer do I feel like a zombie with difficulty feeling any joy in life.
It was only after reconnecting with Stefan (again at a party where he astounded us with his brilliant skills) that I had the realisation that it was due to our work together that I was no longer a medicated shell of a person.
That is part of the beauty of this work - it can be so subtle that we do not know what has changed until we are reminded of how things were before and where we are now.
Stefan has truly changed my life.
Stefan Sageman is amazing!
-Stop smoking-
Stefan Sageman is amazing!
I came for some sessions a year and a half ago.. I've never touched a cigarette or wanted to again.
Highly recommended Thank you
- needle phobia -
I am so blown away by how much hypnosis has helped me with my needle phobia. After 38 yrs of being petrified to the point of fainting and being unable to even sit in the waiting room of a medlab due to the smell of the place, today was the first time I had no problems at all.
The first thing I noticed was the lovely smell of the medlab (in complete contrast to my normal experience). Whilst in the waiting room I had no nerves, butterflies or anything.
Then when the needle went in it was exactly as you had said with just pressure being applied.
Normally I wouldn't be able to move my arm after, this time it was as if nothing has happened
Definitely recommended!!!!
Thanks heaps Paula :)
- Nailbiting-
I contacted Stefan to help my son with his nail biting. He'd been biting his nails since he was very young and now as a teenager wanted to stop. We'd tried all the off-the-shelf remedies and nothing had worked.
Stefan was easy to get an appointment with, discussed everything that would happen and made my son feel at ease about the experience.
Please note results may very between people. We protect the privacy of all clients and some testimonials may have been edited slightly.
I recently had a series of hypnotherapy sessions with Stefan and all I can say is WOW and THANK YOU from my heart. I came to Stefan a shadow of myself and doubting myself after finding myself in a toxic situation. His sessions helped me clear all the yukky low feelings, thoughts, emotions and beliefs I was having and regain my power. The sessions were so easy, and we even had some laughs a long the way. Stefan has natural talent with healing and transformation, and on top of that is very kind and attentive. You are definitely taken care of with Stefan.
I met with Stefan for the first time, to undergo hypnosis for weight loss.
I met with Stefan for the first time, to undergo hypnosis for weight loss.
I had never been hypnotised, and being the sceptic that I am, was already convinced that this was not going to work on me. But I was feeling desperate. I was aware of him talking to me at all times, despite the deep relaxation I was in. He told me that I would only be able to eat healthy food, and that I would not be able to have anything with sugar in, and to stick to healthy options like avocado & nuts, salads, instead of chips & cookies. I must add, savouries like pies & sausage rolls were my favourite food. He also reinforced that water would be my friend and that I should have water before grabbing for food, and to eat only when hungry. So when I left, apart from being very thirsty (I always carry water with me) I was exceptionally tired. I drove home thinking “well that was a waste of money”.
The problem that I have had for many years has been low self-esteem, lack of confidence, and hiding behind being overweight. I had been subjected to emotional bullying, which led to me gaining roughly 45kgs.
In January, I had been through another self destruct pattern. In 2014, I successfully lost 16kg, but once again, my mind told me this was not good and so I began to self sabotage. I had gained 5kg. I would start the week well with healthy eating, and exercising. When I got home in the afternoon, I would find whatever I could to eat - preferably bread, cookies and chips. EVERY DAY!!!
I had never been hypnotised, and being the sceptic that I am, was already convinced that this was not going to work on me. But I was feeling desperate. I was aware of him talking to me at all times, despite the deep relaxation I was in. He told me that I would only be able to eat healthy food, and that I would not be able to have anything with sugar in, and to stick to healthy options like avocado & nuts, salads, instead of chips & cookies. I must add, savouries like pies & sausage rolls were my favourite food. He also reinforced that water would be my friend and that I should have water before grabbing for food, and to eat only when hungry. So when I left, apart from being very thirsty (I always carry water with me) I was exceptionally tired. I drove home thinking “well that was a waste of money”.
It has been four weeks since my journey began. I have lost just over 4kg, but the most noticeable has been in my attitude towards what I eat, and the change in my body. My clothes are not tight anymore, and I know what I can and cannot eat. Cookies are too sweet; I have no desire to eat chips - crisps or hot chips and sausage rolls taste disgusting. I no longer eat bread, and haven’t had a piece of cake since this started. After my first session, I admitted to Stefan how I felt, and all he said to me was “I know that I had got through to you.”
I got home, had a cup of tea and fell asleep for about 45 mins. When I woke up, I went to prepare lunch. The pantry was full of bread, but I made a pasta salad instead. This piqued my interest. I could eat no more than about 5 tablespoons. I started to chuckle ... my scepticism had caught up with me. Dinner that night, I found I could not eat more than half my normal portion. When I was given a chocolate, I put it down and forgot about it. Now, I was feeling positive and energised.
Stefan sent me a text at the beginning of each week to see how my progress was going. Two weeks later I had a second session with a new updated vision ... confidence, motivation & healthy eating. Stefan was so amazed at the change in me, he felt that I did not need to come back, unless I felt the need to, and believe me I AM GOING TO.
It has been four weeks since my journey began. I have lost just over 4kg, but the most noticeable has been in my attitude towards what I eat, and the change in my body. My clothes are not tight anymore, and I know what I can and cannot eat. Cookies are too sweet; I have no desire to eat chips - crisps or hot chips and sausage rolls taste disgusting. I no longer eat bread, and haven’t had a piece of cake since this started. After my first session, I admitted to Stefan how I felt, and all he said to me was “I know that I had got through to you.”
To whoever reads this testimonial ... THIS WORKS! I am so excited about the change in me, and the compliments that I get. I can’t tell you how this has boosted my self confidence. The only thing you have to lose ... is that excess weight.
Stefan, I can never thank you enough for the help you have given me. I will sing your praises to whoever wants to hear. THANK YOU

Certified Hypnotherapist from Jaquin Hypnosis Academy UK

Certified Simpson Protocol Practitioner NZ

Proud Member Of The National Guild Of Hypnosis

Sheila Granger Virtual Gastric Band Certified Practitioner UK

Certified HypnoFit Therapist

Certified Practitioner For Bob Burns Swan